Monday, May 4, 2015

Motivation Monday: Detox your skin, enjoy your morning and do what you love.

Everyday you get a chance to do what you love, that's the motivational part of this blog today. I'm not always doing what I love but whatever I'm doing is always taking me closer to it. Whatever becomes "not my thing" but nevertheless the means to and end. That way when I get frustrated that I work the weekends I remember that I'm doing it for a reason, you just have to find "your reason". Mine is makeup and image consulting ... Start this Monday asking yourself : what do I love to do? And more importantly... Why the hell I'm not doing it ! 

Don't let your skin hate you, I'm a control freak and Monday for me is a starting over kind of day even when my week do not start today. As you guys know I wear makeup everyday and to prevent breakouts or to stop the ones I have I pamper myself with this amazing mask from Lush Cosmetics, it's called: Mask of magnaminty and I swear they have a unicorn crying to create this thing. Reduces pores, dries out breakouts, and cleanses your skin acting as an exfoliator too. 

The book is a part of what my learning process is...and the tea is just me loving my body. It is all about the LOVE you have towards you. Don't get old and say I wish I would've done that. Today is the day. 

I'm a makeup artist and image consultant. I'm doing what I love every day. What are you doing ?.

With passion,
Jordana Vargas

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