Friday, October 31, 2014


Maybe you have heard on TV that corporal language speak for us, but did you know that colors do too? Even the color of your tie and suit can tell you a lot about what man wants to communicate. What are you trying to say? Whether you are trying to say it or not, colors can speak for us, and the people in the office surrounding us will catch these messages from the unconscious

Examples with your suit:

1. Gray: Modest, older, conservative. Especially good for that meeting with the oldest leaders of the company.

2. Blue: reliable, trustworthy.

Examples with your tie

1. Red tie: is the power tie, using this color projects confidence, capability, optimism, but when you mix it with a black suit and a white shirt you are communicating power.

2. Green tie: Sympathy. It sounds harsh, but if you work in human resources and have the obligation of letting someone go, you can wear a green shirt or a green tie, perhaps it will not erase the anger or the pain of the employee but it will give a silent message saying “ I know how you must feel and understand it”.

In conclusion, when choosing the right suit, or in this case tie for the office, always think about the image you want to project in the environment you are part of. It is not the same to be an artist or a publicist than a politician or a lawyer. You now can be aware about the message you are giving and the message you want to give.

With passion,
Jordana Vargas


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