Thursday, October 15, 2015

CUP O' COFFEE: Lush new face and body mask.

When I want to relax and have some ME time, I do facial masks and exfoliating, a lot of exfoliating. A month ago I found this baby when I walked in Lush. According to the packaging this is a coarse but kind exfoliating mask. It is suitable for all over your face and body and brings out the best in your skin with a coffee lavender decoction that keeps things balanced. I maybe don't know about all that but it sure feels amazing with that smell ... I'm not much of a coffee drinker but I do love the smell, part of being Colombian and all.

I feel this mask wakes me up and makes me feel clean but what I like the most about it is how soft it leaves my skin. If you have over sensitive skin, ask for a sample because it is not a gentle mask. But if you get rashes on your body maybe even on your booty this will make your skin flawless and soft.

There you have it, not only good for a soft face but a happy booty.

Hope this was helpful my loves,

Jordana Vargas

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